Inés Domínguez del Corral
Actress | Singer | Theater maker | Teacher

About me
I was born in Cardiff, Wales, Great Britain, to Colombian parents. I grew up in Colombia and have been on stage since I was four years old. I studied vocal performance, dance and acting in Germany and Austria, before moving to Washington D. C., where I finished my undergraduate studies in Music and Musical Theatre at The Catholic University of America and performed in countless shows. I’m a singer, actor, dancer and theatre maker. I currently live in the Netherlands, where—under the wing of Edward Hoepelman—I graduated with my Master's degree in Music (at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten), with an emphasis in acting and vocal performance. My most recent project in the Netherlands as a theater maker, is my own original theater piece with music 'Welcome Home', which opened at the Schouwburg Concertzaal in Tilburg, on October 2023. I am fluent (and have performed) in Spanish, English and German and I have a basic command of Dutch and French.
I have been blessed to have the opportunity of performing in Germany, Austria, Colombia and the United States (NYC and D.C.). I originated the role of Tita in the US Premiere of Laura Ezquivel's Like Water for Chocolate. I have taken part in a wide range of theater art forms, like musicals, plays, dance shows, puppetry, devised, experimental and collaborative theater. Most theater forms fascinate me, and I take every role in every show as an opportunity to learn and grow as an…

"Inés Domínguez del Corral is well cast as Tita, full of light and bright smiles as a teenager who meets her heart’s desire early on, but retains her spirit as she endeavors through hardship, madness, temptation, guilt and triumph through the years"

-Roger Catlin for BWW Broadway World.com

News & reviews

Welcome Home | October 2023 in Tilburg, Netherlands
An original experimental music theater piece supported by T*Agency and Art-Fact in The Netherlands
Details: https://tilburg.com/agenda/ines-dominguez-x-tagency-bij-schouwburg-studiozaal/

The Poetry of Freedom | May 20th, 21st 2023 in The Hague, Netherlands
Choreographer/movement coordinator for Anglo American Theater Company
"Works by Lord Byron and Percy Shelley"
Tickets: https://www.thehagueonline.com/event/aatg-presents-the-poetry-of-freedom-at-zeeheldentheater

AguaMate at Hotel des Indes | July 19th, 2023 in The Hague, Netherlands
Latin-american music trio composed by Inés Domínguez del Corral, David Bello and Lucas Zampaglione. Performances upon request. Please contact me for bookings.

Óleo de Mujer con Sombrero | February 14th 2021
Collaboration with classical guitarist and composer Lucas Zampaglione on latin american music. Read More

"...up-and-coming talent such as Dominguez del Corral, whose graceful portrayal of Doña Ines gave this show its wings."
- Whitney M. Fishburn for DC Metro Theater Arts
Contact me